Our Amazing God

An examination of Hosea 12:4-5 using an interlinear Bible reveals that the Angel of Yahweh is Yahweh Sabaoth (the Lord of Hosts):

Hosea 12:4-5 reads as follows:

And, yes, he struggled with the Angel and prevailed. He wept and sought favour from Him. He found him in Bethel and there He spoke to us, that is Yahweh God of Hosts. His memorable name is Yahweh.

Hosea 12:4-5 Interlinear

This means that the same God who sits on the throne in Heaven came Himself and spoke to people on earth such as Jacob, Hagar, Moses , Abraham , Manoah and Gideon. Human rulers send emissaries. They don’t leave their thrones and come themselves, but our God is dynamic and left His throne to come and deal with people on the earth. I really like that about Him. The most remarkable visitation to the earth was, of course, when He came as Jesus Christ. It is remarkable because of the length of time that He spent here during that visit and because of the fact that He became a Man to visit. The most remarkable thing of all was that He died on the cross during that visit to save those of us who believe in Him.

As Christians we need to be as dynamic and energetic as He is regarding reaching out to people.

Posted by Gwen Frangs